Monday, October 26, 2009

Struggling to maintain control

As any IT Director knows, maintaining control over your domain gets complicated as the business continually changes direction. This scenario played out like a soap opera during a few tense moments when the IT Director, Vincent Hermomma lost his temper upon learning that the Network Administrator had been involved in projects that he was unaware of. Fearing a loss of control over his position in the company, Mr. Hermomma feverishly demaned to be included in all upcoming projects.

For any of you who have experienced a loss of control in your job, might I suggest the book The Haves and the Have Nots: The Abuse of Power and Priveledge in the Workplace... And how to Control it

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Timing is everything

If you've ever been responsible for a team, you know the pitfalls of getting involved in an employee's self deprecation. We've all seen it before, they have an excuse for everything. Projects are always late and they seem unable to give you a good sense of where they are. You find yourself involved story after story. An endless song and dance. Do yourself a favor and nip this behavior in the bud quickly.

Dan, a team manager for Arlington software firm, TIBCO, found himself in this situation one too many times. "At first I felt sorry for him, but after the 5th and 6th times of having to explain to my Directory why I couldn't keep things on track, I lost it and fired him on the spot. In retrospect, I should have kept detailed reporting on the incidents. Now the company is being sued for breach of contract, and my Director is hanging me out to dry."

Thursday, August 13, 2009

RealPage loses more talent

Inisiders at RealPage tell me that another quality developer has jumped ship and taken a position with Brinks (headquartered in Richmond, VA). David Stitzlien had worked with RealPage for over 5 years and was a key developer for their Affordable Housing product line.